Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hi Baby Gabe!

It's been awhile since Grandma's been by to blog on your space. Let's see by now you are about 1 2/3 lb and 14 inches long. About as big as a cucumber!

Right now your Daddy is away for the weekend camping in Lewiston with his family, boy does Mommy miss him. Next year you will get to go camping with them, won't that be fun?

Your Mommy was shopping the other day and

bought these cute hats for you. I really like the brown
bear hat. Can't wait to see you in it.

Here is a picture of you in Mommy's tummy you are 22 weeks old.

Here you are at 26 weeks. Doesn't your Momma look cute?

We have been planning for your Mommy's baby shower and went to register for gifts that your Mommy wants to get at her shower.
I'm not sure what I want to get for her yet.

Only 96 days to go till you get here! Can't wait! Love ya, Baby Gabe!