Sunday, October 25, 2009

September 11th 2009

My little man this is the story about the day that you were born. It turns out that the day you were born I was in labor all day long and didn't even realize it. Mommy went to work that day and even though I hadn't been feeling well I didn't know it's because you were on your way. After I got home from work it was about 45min later when my water broke at 9:15pm. Mommy was waiting for daddy to finish cooking dinner so that we could go to bed for the night. I was sitting on the couch when I felt something weird. I went into the bathroom and that's when the water started running down my leg. I called the doctor that was on call and he told us that we should go into the hospital just to get checked out. I don't think he thought that I was in labor because I wasn't really sure yet that it had been my water that had broken. I'll admit I was a little scared because your due date wasn't for another 5 weeks! I called your grandma to tell her that I thought my water had broken and me and your daddy were going into the hospital, she immediately left to come and meet us. On the way down to the car as mommy was getting in your daddy asked if he could go back upstairs to get his soda, haha. Looking back on it it's definitely funny but at the time mommy didn't think that it was. On the way to the hospital mommy started having some pretty painful contractions and your daddy just thought that it was so exciting. Once we got to the hospital it took us a little bit to figure out where we were going which to mommy wasn't very fun since I was in lot's of pain. Once we got to labor and delivery they made mommy sit in the waiting room which was a little upsetting. About 10min later when they called me back they checked to see if my water had really broken. When they realized it had they checked to see how dilated I was and I was already to a 6. They called the doctor to let him know that you were on your way. While we were waiting for the doctor to come and see us the nurses became a little worried when your heart rate dropped down to 90 during mommy's contractions. They had me turn onto my side and tried to keep me calm until your heart rate began to rise again. Once you were okay and the doctor came in they moved us into the labor and delivery room and mommy got her epidural. Mommy didn't realize there was a button that she had to push to help with the medicine but once the nurse told me it was pretty easy after that. After that it was lot's of waiting until you came. Your heart rate dropped one other time so to help they gave mommy some oxygen. About 3am is when I really started to feel the urge to push. And before I knew it at 3:52am you made your way into the world. You were beautiful and I never knew I could love something as instantly as much as I loved you.

They only let me see your for a minute before they took you up to the NICU because of how early you were, daddy and grandma went up with you while they got you situated. Mommy didn't get to see you again until after 5am. Mommy and daddy visited you lot's while you were upstairs in the NICU and you had lots of visitors those first few days. You had to stay in the NICU for a whole week because you had jaundice and they wanted to make sure you were eating well enough and could gain weight. Mommy and daddy came to visit you every 3 hours at 8am, 11am, 2pm, 8pm, 11pm. We only missed 3 of your care times during the day so that it didn't feel like we were living at the hospital. We wanted you to know that we love you and tried to spend as much time there as we could. The day that you came home was just as exciting at the day that you were born. We were so excited it was really hard to leave you at the hospital all those time's throughout the week. You are the greastest thing in our lives and we love you very VERY much.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

September - October 2009 1st Pictures of Gabe

Welcome Beautiful Baby Boy!
Gabriel Jack Smith
Born September 11, 2009
Born at 3:52 am
7 lbs 1 oz, 19 inches long
Born at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane Washington

It was so amazing to be there and be able to watch you come into this world! You are truly a blessing to us all. Mommy didn't have to much trouble with the delivery. You did surprise us though, by coming 5 weeks early. We weren't quite prepared for that.

Grandma has two very special friends, Connie and Diane, who now also have adopted themselves to also be your "Grandma's". You are one very lucky little boy. Your cousin Megan was also there for your arrival.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hi Baby Gabe!

It's been awhile since Grandma's been by to blog on your space. Let's see by now you are about 1 2/3 lb and 14 inches long. About as big as a cucumber!

Right now your Daddy is away for the weekend camping in Lewiston with his family, boy does Mommy miss him. Next year you will get to go camping with them, won't that be fun?

Your Mommy was shopping the other day and

bought these cute hats for you. I really like the brown
bear hat. Can't wait to see you in it.

Here is a picture of you in Mommy's tummy you are 22 weeks old.

Here you are at 26 weeks. Doesn't your Momma look cute?

We have been planning for your Mommy's baby shower and went to register for gifts that your Mommy wants to get at her shower.
I'm not sure what I want to get for her yet.

Only 96 days to go till you get here! Can't wait! Love ya, Baby Gabe!

Monday, June 1, 2009

What a pretty, Momma!

Hello Baby Gabe,

Look at your Momma, she is one pretty lady! That's you in her tummy you are 20 weeks old. You are getting so big. Your Momma is doing good, summer is coming and it has been really hot here so her feet and ankles are starting to get a little swollen.

Your Mommy and Daddy both work really hard they have job's at Fred Meyer, that's a grocery store. Your Mommy works as a manager of the front end at one store, and your Daddy is a manager of the grocery department at another store.

Wednesday, June 3rd, is your Mommy's Birthday, Happy Birthday Mommy! She will be 25 years old.

Daddy cleaned out the spare bedroom last weekend so Mommy and I will start getting it all ready for you.

Love you Baby Boy! Grandma

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hello Baby,
Grandma here!

Mommy and I went shopping yesterday and picked out the theme for your nursery, you guessed it monkey's! They are so cute just like you will be.

Mommy told your Uncle Connor that she was going to have a little boy and he was so excited! He can't wait until he is not the youngest or the smallest anymore.. and he wants to have another little boy to play with.

Here is your mommy at 18 weeks and 1 day you are really starting to show now. I haven't heard Mommy complain about any morning sickness lately so she is feeling better. Now she is getting swollen ankles already! I say it's her new shoes but she doesn't think so.

Love You Baby Boy!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good afternoon baby,
It's mommy and I just thought that I would stop by to tell you a few things that me and your daddy learned at our ultrasound yesterday. You are still officially a boy!!! yay!! Your stubborn just like your mommy! and like your daddy you seem to be a little lazy :-)
Despite the great efforts of the ultrasound tech you just didn't feel like cooperating yesterday. You wouldn't uncross your arms from in front of your chest so that she could look at your heart to make sure it was healthy. You wouldn't roll over, move, or wiggle despite how much she poked and wiggled my stomach. You were quite content just lying there using mommy's placenta as your pillow and sleeping the 45 min we were there away. You did move an arm here and a leg there and you did roll over one time only to make the tech's job a little harder but it's okay because you gave mommy and daddy a good giggle with all your subborness :-)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

More Photos From The Ultra Sound

Good Morning Sweet Baby,

Below are some more of the pictures from when your Mommy and I went to the Ultra Sound.
The picture below is of your Mommy and you at 17 weeks old, you are about 5 inches long and weigh about 5 ounces.
I was instructed by Mommy that we couldn't say you were a boy until after her Ultra Sound on the 18th to confirm. Turns out this rule is only for Grandma and not Mommy we went shopping the other day and she bought a little outfit (boy outfit) for you and another one yesterday.
She is getting so excited a couple of days ago she thought that she felt you move around inside her.

Love you! Grandma

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ultra Sound Visit With Your Mommy

Hi Baby,

I went to the doctor with your Mommy last Friday, May 1st, I got to listen to your heartbeat and the doctor checked out Mommy to make sure everything was ok. After that the doctor sent us over to get an Ultra Sound which is a picture of you when your inside Mommy. We took one look at this picture and thought, it's a boy! We go back to the doctor on the May 18th and have another Ultra Sound which will conifrm it for sure. Stay tuned my little Gabriele...

Love Grandma

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009

To My Soon To Be Grandbaby,

This is your Grandma Linda, I am your Mommy's Mom and also mom to your Uncle Ian who is 14 and your Uncle Connor who is 9.

Your mommy's name is Christine she is 24 years old she was born on June 3, 1984 and your daddy's name is Jesse he is 27 years old and was born on May 25, 1981.

I am starting this journal so when you are older you can come back and read about what it was like before you came along.

Your mommy and daddy first found out they were going to have a baby when your mommy took a pregancy test on February 8th (which by the way happens to be my birthday) and it was positive. Her first doctor's appointment was on March 9th. She has got to hear your hear beat 3 times now. This has made her very happy! She loves to hear your heart beat and even recorded it on her phone.

This is a picture of your mommy when she is 12 weeks pregnant with you.

She has been feeling really tired and has had some morning sickness. You got to take your very first trip to Las Vegas!

This is a picture of your mommies tummy when she is 15 weeks pregnant with you.

Your mommy is still feeling tired she has had some morning sickness but not as much. Last Sunday she told me it had been 3 whole days since she has gotten sick.

Your mommy and daddy have a doctor's appointment on May 18, 2009 and they will find out whether you are going to be a little girl or a little boy. We are very excited to find out.

That's all for now.

Love Grandma