Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good afternoon baby,
It's mommy and I just thought that I would stop by to tell you a few things that me and your daddy learned at our ultrasound yesterday. You are still officially a boy!!! yay!! Your stubborn just like your mommy! and like your daddy you seem to be a little lazy :-)
Despite the great efforts of the ultrasound tech you just didn't feel like cooperating yesterday. You wouldn't uncross your arms from in front of your chest so that she could look at your heart to make sure it was healthy. You wouldn't roll over, move, or wiggle despite how much she poked and wiggled my stomach. You were quite content just lying there using mommy's placenta as your pillow and sleeping the 45 min we were there away. You did move an arm here and a leg there and you did roll over one time only to make the tech's job a little harder but it's okay because you gave mommy and daddy a good giggle with all your subborness :-)

1 comment:

  1. Uh-oh ... look out for those stubborn, lazy little boys. LOL!!
