Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hello Baby,
Grandma here!

Mommy and I went shopping yesterday and picked out the theme for your nursery, you guessed it monkey's! They are so cute just like you will be.

Mommy told your Uncle Connor that she was going to have a little boy and he was so excited! He can't wait until he is not the youngest or the smallest anymore.. and he wants to have another little boy to play with.

Here is your mommy at 18 weeks and 1 day you are really starting to show now. I haven't heard Mommy complain about any morning sickness lately so she is feeling better. Now she is getting swollen ankles already! I say it's her new shoes but she doesn't think so.

Love You Baby Boy!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good afternoon baby,
It's mommy and I just thought that I would stop by to tell you a few things that me and your daddy learned at our ultrasound yesterday. You are still officially a boy!!! yay!! Your stubborn just like your mommy! and like your daddy you seem to be a little lazy :-)
Despite the great efforts of the ultrasound tech you just didn't feel like cooperating yesterday. You wouldn't uncross your arms from in front of your chest so that she could look at your heart to make sure it was healthy. You wouldn't roll over, move, or wiggle despite how much she poked and wiggled my stomach. You were quite content just lying there using mommy's placenta as your pillow and sleeping the 45 min we were there away. You did move an arm here and a leg there and you did roll over one time only to make the tech's job a little harder but it's okay because you gave mommy and daddy a good giggle with all your subborness :-)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

More Photos From The Ultra Sound

Good Morning Sweet Baby,

Below are some more of the pictures from when your Mommy and I went to the Ultra Sound.
The picture below is of your Mommy and you at 17 weeks old, you are about 5 inches long and weigh about 5 ounces.
I was instructed by Mommy that we couldn't say you were a boy until after her Ultra Sound on the 18th to confirm. Turns out this rule is only for Grandma and not Mommy we went shopping the other day and she bought a little outfit (boy outfit) for you and another one yesterday.
She is getting so excited a couple of days ago she thought that she felt you move around inside her.

Love you! Grandma

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ultra Sound Visit With Your Mommy

Hi Baby,

I went to the doctor with your Mommy last Friday, May 1st, I got to listen to your heartbeat and the doctor checked out Mommy to make sure everything was ok. After that the doctor sent us over to get an Ultra Sound which is a picture of you when your inside Mommy. We took one look at this picture and thought, it's a boy! We go back to the doctor on the May 18th and have another Ultra Sound which will conifrm it for sure. Stay tuned my little Gabriele...

Love Grandma